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The Merry Monk...

All Things Fermentation, and Gut Health

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Our Mission

To empower you to nurture and care for your health by understanding the role that your gut, your microbiome, and probiotic foods play to enhance your well-being.  And to teach you the joy of preparing fermented foods and beverages that support the gut.

What We Offer

The Merry Monk provides a path to understanding your alimentary system (aka, your gut), it’s functions, physiology, the microbes it contains (both friendly and unfriendly!), and how to optimize the many important roles it plays in your health.

Introductory seminars reveal the world of the microbes that have a huge impact on your gut, your foods, your immune system and even the world around you, as you learn about the basics of gut health and fermentation.

Our workshops will give you a more in-depth exploration of your gut health, your microbiome and fermentation plus hands on experience in making fermented foods that support and enhance nutrition and the effectiveness of your microbiome, in some cases starters will be provided.

An on-going series of special topics seminars and workshops, plus a community of fermentation enthusiasts and educational opportunities to learn more about fermentation and gut health.

Start your journey to improved gut health...

Client Success Stories

The Monk

The Merry Monk is a name derived from a cherished wood carving that has been in the family for decades.  To me it symbolizes robust health, jovial libations, and illumination, it also pays tribute to the monks that developed many ferments, for example the Trappist Monks and Belgian Ale.

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Latest news from The Merry Monk

On Fermentation Rhythms, and Psychobiotic Microbes

Feeding fermentation starters for sourdough bread, kefir or kombucha will become a rhythm in your life, consider that they are living cells, needing your care! Psychobiotics are probiotic strains, such as bifidobacterium that can module your behaviors!

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